B.A.Sc. (Civil), M.Arch., M.C.S., D.W.S., D.Min.

alan c. yu

余子麟牧師為溫哥華西區浸信會的助理牧師;在眾多的牧養責任中,包括負責粵語堂的家庭、青年及兒童事工。在西浸牧會前,Alan曾任加拿大基督使者協會 (Ambassadors For Christ In Canada) 加西區事工總監 (Director of Ministry – Western Canada) 多年,以創新的事工模式,推動本地學生福音運動,發展學生門徒訓練事工及「使者學生中心」社區服務。Alan過去以其創作的經驗,曾在使者開展多項創新的學生門訓事工,包括廣受歡迎的「霹啪959」廣播及網絡事工,「Adventio凡修體驗」門訓敬拜事工和「自煮C房」烹飪事工。

Alan早年隨家人從香港移民加拿大,並畢業於卑斯大學 (University of British Columbia) 土木工程系;後赴美國及丹麥進修,獲建築學碩士。回溫哥華定居後,以工餘時間於維真神學院 (Regent College) 進修,主修市場神學及應用神學,獲基督教研究碩士;並於美國韋伯敬拜研究學院 (Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies) 獲敬拜學博士,研究敬拜與門徒訓練的互動;後亦於美國福樂神學院 (Fuller Theological Seminary) 獲教牧學博士,研究靈命塑造與醫治。 Alan現繼續在福樂神學院進修魏樂德的神學和依納爵的靈修學。



Rev. Dr. Alan C. Yu is Assistant Pastor of Westside Baptist Church in Vancouver, BC. Among many pastoral responsibilities, he focuses on family, youth and children ministry in the Cantonese congregation. Before joining the pastoral team at Westside, Alan was the Director of Ministry (Western Canada) at Ambassadors for Christ in Canada for many years. With his background in creative work, Alan initiated many innovative student discipleship programs at AFC, including the popular PP959 radio broadcast and web ministry, Adventio worship discipleship ministry and the caring ministry through the Cooking Studio at RoomC.


Alan immigrated to Canada with his family from Hong Kong in his teenage years, and graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in Civil Engineering. He then continued his study in the United States and Denmark and obtained his master degree in Architecture. After returning to Vancouver, Alan studied part-time at Regent College while practicing architecture and receive his Master of Christian Studies, majoring in Marketplace Theology and Applied Theology. He later received his doctoral degree in Worship Studies at the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies for his research in the interaction between worship and discipleship. Alan also received his Doctor of Ministry degree at Fuller Theological Seminary studying spiritual formation and healing. Alan is currently continuing his study at Fuller in Willardian theology and Ignatian spirituality.


Alan with his wife Constance have three sons Alpha, Archer and Aslan.